First Look – The Weeping Cherry

The Weeping Cherry


A beautiful, graceful tree that is actually 2 different plants.    The weeping habit is grafted onto a cherry trunk, the height of the trunk varies depending on the nursery developing the plant.


Due to its habit and spring flower effect, the weeping cherry has been a popular landscape plant throughout central Ohio.   The maintenance issue with this plant is due to 2 Issues, the layered branch pattern that develops over several years tends to suffocate the plant due to dead branching and lack of airflow thru the plant.   The second issue, sucker growth from the cherry trunk is much more aggressive growing than the grafted weeping habit and tends to take over the plant. The photos illustrate two different examples of plants that are only 6-8 years old,  are 90% dead due to these problems.


Unfortunately, both of these plants had to be cut down, stumps removed, and replaced, a far greater cost than simply restoring the plant.


The remedy is to prune the aggressive sucker growth out and clean the branch pattern so the plant can breathe.   One of the benefits of restoring a weeping cherry is the beauty of the branch pattern, miniature lights look awesome highlighting its branching.